Lindsay and Wendy Marshall
At Shalendy Dairy we had a problem with high temperature of our cooling water which caused problems getting the milk cooled sufficiently before collection.
Russell Corfield of R. Corfield Refrigeration and Electrical Ltd, did some research on our options and came up with a proposal to use precooled water which is recycled through the plate cooler and then returned to the 30000litre reservoir for re-chilling. His company did the installation of the water cooling unit and electrical work. After completion extensive monitoring of water temperatures, milk entry to the vat temperature and the changes during cooling in the cooling water reservoir- these were all compared with the monitored temperatures pre installation and significant improvements have been achieved. We were very impressed with the service, communication throughout, speed of installation and final results of the milk temperature entering the vat (19-20* pre installation and 9* since).
We anticipate power savings overall as the vat chiller is working far less than before and also the system recycles the water thus saving on water use.
TANAD FARMS: Andrew Natusch
Winter 2020 we upgraded the older half of our cowshed. Most of the work was done in the four weeks of June. It required much of the electrical wiring and hardware to be either replaced or refitted.
R Corfield Refrigeration and Electrical worked around and coordinated with several other contractors to complete the work in a short window and on time. They also came up with good suggestions on how to improve what we had.
The work was to a high standard and as such we were very pleased with the end result. This standard is consistent with what we also find with their support of the electrical infrastructure in our orchard irrigation systems.
Winter 2020 we upgraded the older half of our cowshed. Most of the work was done in the four weeks of June. It required much of the electrical wiring and hardware to be either replaced or refitted.
R Corfield Refrigeration and Electrical worked around and coordinated with several other contractors to complete the work in a short window and on time. They also came up with good suggestions on how to improve what we had.
The work was to a high standard and as such we were very pleased with the end result. This standard is consistent with what we also find with their support of the electrical infrastructure in our orchard irrigation systems.